Comprehensive Wealth Management

We Will Simplify Your Financial Life

First and foremost, Bleeck Financial is an investment advisor: We make recommendations and manage your portfolio on an ongoing basis. But wealth management doesn’t stop there. So we offer you expert advice on related concerns, such as protecting your loved ones with insurance, charitable giving techniques, and estate planning.

In addition to bringing our own expertise to bear on different aspects of wealth management, Bleeck Financial has professional relationships with a network of specialists outside our firm—attorneys who can draft documents, CPAs who can assist with tax matters. This network allows us to provide advice as in-depth as you require so we can be a single source of advice for all of your financial concerns.

Bleeck Financial's comprehensive range of services eliminates the problems that can occur when you must manage multiple advisors. We make wealth management simpler for you.

Realistic Plans For A Fulfilling Retirement

Seeing The Whole Picture, Taking the Right Steps

Financial planning is not an event, it is a process. We will work with you one-on-one to develop a deep understanding of your financial objectives, personal preferences, family situation and risk tolerances, and then design a life plan around you. Working as your personal CFO, we will meet with you regularly to:

  • Get to know you and your family and what’s important to you
  • Help you identify and prioritize your long-term goals, focusing on retirement
  • Create a vision of your future—your lifestyle, where you’ll live, and how much it will cost
  • Forecast the growth of your portfolio making realistic assumptions that you agree with about the risk you are willing to accept and the investment returns you should realistically expect
  • Model different scenarios for achieving your goals showing you how different decisions—such as retiring a couple of years later or working part-time—can impact your nest egg
  • Help you make the best decisions that fit your current situation and long-term expectations